Thermographic Surveys
Regular testing and inspection of your building’s electrical circuit is essential in order to ensure compliance with your statutory obligations under The Electricity at Work Regulation (1989) Act and many other regulatory requirements.
Aragon Electrical Compliance Services uses the latest advanced infrared heat detection technology, the Thermal Imaging surveys carried out by Aragon Electrical Compliance Services are a fast, non-invasive method of detecting potentially dangerous electrical faults before they arise, enabling urgent remedial action to take place while ensuring safety is key and vital in situations like this.
Thermal image testing is operationally-convenient for building operators as it eliminates the need to power-down or isolate any part of your electrical systems.
Our infrared thermographic surveys cameras precisely locate and record heat sources or hotspots, which are often deeply buried within a building’s electrical circuit, and could lead to quick electrical fires that could get out-of-control. That’s why our thermographic survey cameras play a vital role in maintaining your building's fire and electrical safety, ensuring that everyone is safe.